My Hero

SP case. My Hero
Financial Controller. I did total financial planning for him (including medical coverage, critical illness, income protection, investment and retirement planning, estate planning, and will writing).
One day, his vision blurred and he got a tumor in the brain. Within 2 years, there have been 7 brain surgeries, and the total medical bill has reached Rm400k. Fortunately, it is covered by the insurance company for critical illness claims. After a few months, I received a call from my wife that he had passed away due to a bacterial infection. I had no idea about the family's financial situation. Can you help?
Me: No worries; we will work on it after his funeral.
I paid my last respects to my friend. You can go peacefully. I will make sure your wife and son are well taken care of financially. Within 3 months, we settled all the property transfers, insurance claims, and bank transactions. The son can continue his tertiary education in Australia. Yet the widow had to go through six months of depression. We overcame this together. Now she leads a peaceful life and is financially free.